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App Assignment Reporting

How to view and report on app assignments across users and applications.


App Assignment Reporting is a powerful feature that allows you to view and discover who is assigned to which application or, conversely, which applications are assigned to each user. This report provides detailed visibility into how users and apps are linked, whether through individual assignments or group assignments.

App Assignment Report

Viewing App Assignments

You can switch between viewing assignments by apps or by users, depending on your needs:

  • App View: See which users are assigned to a specific app.
  • User View: Pivot to view which apps are assigned to a specific user.

App Assignments by App

This report provides a list of apps, and you can expand each app to see the app's assigned users. It includes the following information:

  • Name: The name of the user assigned to the app.
  • Email: The email address of the user.
  • Title: The title of the user.
  • Department: The department the user belongs to.
  • Assignment Method: Whether the user was assigned individually or through a group. If assigned through a group, the group name is displayed.
App Assignment by App

App Assignments by User

This report provides a list of users, and you can expand each user to see the apps assigned to them. It includes the following information:

  • App Name: The name of the app assigned to the user.
  • Assignment Method: Whether the user was assigned individually or through a group. If assigned through a group, the group name is displayed.
App Assignment by User

Exporting App Assignments

The Export feature gives you the flexibility to export the assignment data in various formats for further analysis or reporting. Available export formats include:

  • Google Sheets
  • CSV
  • TSV
  • JSON (Flattened Structure)
  • JSON (Nested Structure)

This ensures that you have the ability to use the data in a way that best fits your needs, whether for internal reporting, compliance, or auditing purposes.

App Assignment Export Options

Use Cases for App Assignment Reporting

This feature is particularly useful for:

  • Offboarding: Ensuring that users who are leaving the organization no longer have access to critical applications.
  • Auditing and Compliance: Ensuring that users have the correct access to applications, and that permissions are managed correctly.
  • App License Management: Identifying unused apps or users who no longer need access to certain apps, optimizing license usage and reducing costs.
  • Security Reviews: Ensuring that sensitive apps are assigned only to the appropriate users and that access is granted through secure methods like group management